A Tech Ed Program That Teaches Professionalism
I recently had an opportunity to work with the technical education program at Eleva-Strum School District in Wisconsin. The project that I had for the students was to modify a few parts for a mechanical clock. It was an amazing experience to be greeted at the door by a student and the student gave me a great handshake. The technical education class teaches these soft skills to the students, starting in seventh grade.
During my visit at the school, I gave a short classroom presentation to the students. Before I entered the classroom the students learned about a few soft skills for success. The students were attentive for the presentation and asked great questions. This professionalism that the students learn, and exhibit is a great step for career success.
The technical education program has a student-run business for high school juniors and seniors. That program is called Cardinal Manufacturing, and they manufacture parts for other companies and citizens in the community. It is a truly remarkable program, and it serves as a model program for other schools to build a student-run business similar to theirs.
To learn more about Cardinal Manufacturing please visit their website or their Facbook page.