Machining.Blog® is a weekly blog focused on manufacturing career development. It features blog articles on the fundamentals of manufacturing for aspiring machinists. Our goal is to create an interest in manufacturing in the USA. Our writer Matthew Schowalter has worked in manufacturing for 24 years, and he covers the topics that matter to someone starting their career in manufacturing.

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“The soft skills the machinist uses are the unseen tools in their box and can directly impact the success or failure of a dreamed after machining career.”

 A Classroom Presentation in a Middle School Engineering Class

A Classroom Presentation in a Middle School Engineering Class

I gave a classroom presentation in two engineering classes within the technical education department at a local middle school. The students were engaged in the mechanical clock presentation and asked me great questions. At the end of the presentation, I showed the students how the clock relates to my manufacturing career that I have had. I tell them that there are jobs in manufacturing and engineering that may interest them if they like the mechanical clock.

The mechanical clock was part of a STEM outreach project that I created over the past few years. I told the students that I knew nothing about mechanical clocks, but over time with trial and error, research and development, I made a clock that functions properly. I have invested over 3,000 hours in the STEM device designing it, making it, and assembling it. It is a very inspirational project.

Growing the Lathe Department

Growing the Lathe Department

What is Production Machining?

What is Production Machining?