All in Professional Engineer

17 Reasons to Upgrade Your Shop Floor to Paperless Manufacturing

When people hear the term "paperless," they typically associate the elimination of this office resource as an act that helps the environment. And while this is true, adopting a paperless manufacturing solution can do so much more. In addition to promoting a more sustainable business, going paperless can decrease operating costs, enhance productivity and help a shop floor work smarter (and not necessarily harder).

Print at the Point of Need: How 3D Printing Reduces Reliance on Outsourced Manufacturing Aid Components

In the realm of manufacturing, the production process often relies on various aids such as jigs, fixtures, and specialized tools to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and quality. Traditionally, manufacturers would outsource the production of these components, which could be costly, time-consuming, and limit flexibility. However, with the emergence of 3D printing technology, manufacturers now have the ability to reduce their reliance on outsourced manufacturing aid components.  

What to Do When a Client Rejects Your Parts

Your company tries SO hard to make everything perfect, but occasionally, something slips through the cracks, and you send some parts to a customer that get rejected. It’s not a fun situation, and it can be like a gut punch, depending on how expensive the mistake is. How you handle it from the customer’s perspective can make all the difference and even potentially turn a bad situation into a positive experience. Customers know that mistakes will happen, but how a vendor responds to them can put your relationship on the chopping block, or solidify your position in the partner category.