Machining.Blog® is a weekly blog focused on manufacturing career development. It features blog articles on the fundamentals of manufacturing for aspiring machinists. Our goal is to create an interest in manufacturing in the USA. Our writer Matthew Schowalter has worked in manufacturing for 24 years, and he covers the topics that matter to someone starting their career in manufacturing.

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“The soft skills the machinist uses are the unseen tools in their box and can directly impact the success or failure of a dreamed after machining career.”

Remodeling  A Student-Run Manufacturing Facility
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Cardinal Manufacturing is a student-run manufacturing program in the Eleva-Strum high school. They recently finished a 10-month remodeling project in the machine shop and classroom. It was a complete remodel which included the ceiling and walls being repainted. They chose a red and white color scheme for the rooms, halls, and manufacturing equipment.

They added seven windows in the shop to provide natural light. The windows and the repainting project made the shop four times brighter than before. Along with those remodeling projects, they refinished the floor of the machine shop.

In the school program, the students gain real world life experiences. These experiences include problem solving and working in professional roles. This is all done by the students in the program, who run the class as a business. The students are assigned a role in the class that may include the following business tasks:

  • Quoting manufacturing jobs

  • Ordering materials and supplies

  • Shipping final product

  • Customer service  

  • Manufacturing components

They are having a workshop on Thursday October 14th, 2021. This workshop is about how to start or grow a student-run business in a school. If you would like to learn how to create a student run business in your school district, this event will help you understand how. Follow this link, for more information on the event.

NexGenCAM’s Open House Event

NexGenCAM’s Open House Event

CNC Lathe G Code Programming

CNC Lathe G Code Programming